Monsters will be the main controllers of the game's economy, and they will also pose a threat to the player's assets.


What do Monsters do?

Monsters will attack and disable player assets if not taken care of fast. If a monster disables an asset, the player must then utilize a repair kit to be able to fix it.

When do Monsters Attack?

The monster attacks are randomly generated by the system. They have yet to be set on a percentage, but we're working on creating a smart AI that will attack at random times. Yet, the number of attacks will be decreased while the player is not online. Monsters will also attack based on heat levels.

Heat generation and Monsters

The more assets the player has, the more heat is created by machinery. We're creating a "Heat" mechanism that will be displayed on each asset and the player will be able to control it. Heat attracts monsters and the higher the heat, the stronger the monsters will become.

Controlling Monsters

The player will have access to a variety of weapons in the in-game store to help control the plagues of monsters attacking the base. Some of these weapons will be automated machines that only need ammo to work. BEAR IN MIND the player must always try to invest as much in automation as in defense, since automating work increases the amount of heat created and can lead to more monster attacks.

Monster Evolution

Monsters will never stay the same. They will Evolve over time and overcome player obstacles or tactics.

Beta Monster Desert Background Upscaled.png

Hunting Monsters

The player will be able to, as a daily quest, hunt and kill monsters while on their hive. The player will be able to find a certain amount of "Refreshable" (show up in random places in the map every 24/hrs) hives. Hives will be protected by swarms of monsters from which the player can slay and collect carcasses from. If the player is lucky, he might find a Queen Monster which is a very tough opponent, but if the player can slay it, the player will earn substantial rewards.